Nurturing Home Series
About a week ago I felt bone crushingly overwhelmed by a new routine, a messy home, our big life on land that requires so much of Sam. It was just a LOT. I wanted to hold myself accountable so I started a series on Instagram and Tiktok called “nurturing home.”
Every single day I’ll share what task we are checking off in my stories. Each day ranges from simple to longer - do what you can even if it’s just setting a 15 min timer on the task.
Recently, I was inspired by a woman on TikTok and didn’t save her vide - if you are familiar with this method or the woman on TikTok, let me know! For distracted cleaners, like myself, you create imaginary 4 walls to the room you are cleaning. Do not leave the room you are trying to clean until it is sparkling. To accomplish this, you place all of the clutter in the space to the side, clean the room, and when you are finished, you can distribute the clutter, or better yet - have your family assist with that part! This method helps SO much if you get distracted when distributing clutter. Do you clean like this?
Everything fridge clean out! I mean everything. Take it all out, wipe everything down and purge. Feels so good and then we’ll maintain it on sundays with a quick mini clean.
The Morning Five - the big five in the morning. doing these five things every day will keep your home running so much smoother. some of these i learned from the fly lady method! she has a great app you can use!
1. get dressed! this makes you so much more productive, even if it’s getting dressed in workout clothes.
2. make all of the beds. everything feels less chaotic with made beds. kids can help too!
3. toilets + sinks! the fly lady calls it the swish and swipe method where you clean your vanity and toilets every morning.
4. start a load of laundry. load a day keeps the 👹 away.
5. unload the dishwasher from the night before!
that’s it! do you do these? any you are working on making a habit? if you’re like me it’s going to take a couple of weeks to get into maintenance mode but i’m ready!Guest Bath clean out - you may not have tangled up messes of head band/bow/necklaces but clean out all drawers, organize the closets, wipe down vanity, clean out shower and refresh the linens!
Clean Your Cabinets - fill your sink up with soapy water and take 10 minutes to wipe down your kitchen cabinets. ours were 🤢.
Sunday Reset - organize the book bags and lunch boxes, refill whatever needs to be refilled (think soap dispensers, paper towel rods, toilet paper etc!), mini clean out of the fridge, tidy up, plan for the week both life and meals, bonus points: change the sheets!
Tackle the Clutter! - hot spots, randomness, the pile at the bottom of the stairs… let’s demolish it!
7. Five Step Evening Routine - create an evening routine to set you up for success in the morning!
step one: clean the kitchen, dishes, take trash out, wipe down counters, run the dishwasher.
step two: tidy up
step three: finish laundry, fold last load and put away, prep morning load for tomorrow (learned this trick from the genius @wynneelder ).
step four: prep for tomorrow! pre-fill diffusers, fill up water filter if you have, prep coffee, lunches, etc.
step five: do something for yourself! read, a favorite show (we are rewatching friday night lights aka the tammy show), journal, etc.
8. Corners + Cobwebs - buzz around and get all of the creepy crawlies and cobwebs!
9. Organize the toys - organize the toys! i know this one can be overwhelming!!! i used it as a chance to play instead of being stressed and then i cried making this because it all goes by so fast. doesn’t make it less overwhelming with the chaos of littles but just knowing it is temporary can really hit you with gratitude and help you to be present.
10. Pantry Clean Out - ill be honest this is one of my least favorite chores but we can walk in there now! 👏👏👏 this one works best if you have a chunk of time. take everything out, vacuum, wipe down, chuck, repeat! let me know when you get it done.
11. Set a 15 minute timer! This is so great for any time you feel overwhelmed or if you want to tackle an area on a busy day.
12. Get ready for the week: get ready for the week! sunday reset time. prep the coffee, fill out the planner, catch up on laundry, get lunches ready and get set up for the week.
13. Organize bathroom vanities - if this overwhelms you (hello product junky 🙋♀️) then just set a 15 min timer. are you organized in the bathroom or a fellow hot mess? you got this!
14. Clean out lockers or entry closets - i find having a basket helps me bring everything to where it goes.
15. Wash the windows - half way through you guys! you can start anytime. pick a room, set a timer, just hit exterior doors… whatever works for you. could not believe how grungy they were. you got this!
16. Organize 6 kitchen drawers - this took max 15 minutes. i find myself so much more calm and peaceful after doing something i don’t want to do.
17. Spruce up your living room - take a few minutes to clean up the coffee table, vacuum under the cushions, wash the pillow covers, fluff and fold.
18. Make something old new again - go antiquing or repurpose or shine up something you already have.
19. Purge and decorate - this one broke a sweat 😂. took two days - one weekend day for my girl to go through some toys and then a school day for some more purging iykyk.
20. Twenty Day recap + Decorate for Fall - take some time getting your fall boxes down from the attic and have fun with people you love decorating for the season. Seeing this another time of year? Decorate for the season you are in!
21. Weekly reset - I did this on a Friday but you can do any day! No major cleaning just tidy and pick up after a busy few days.
22. Counter Top Clean off - take everything off of kitchen, bath, and laundry counter tops and give them a good scrub!
23. Something Neglected - take care of a space, car, room, any area that has been neglected - in our case it was our airstream!
24. Clean the tub and shower - bonus if you do multiple bathrooms!!
25. Clean your base boards! These get so beat up. Vacuum, spray, wipe and go!
26. Change your air filters. Confess… when was the last time?
27. Have fun decorating a small section of your home. It could be finally getting to a gallery wall or hanging a piece of art you bought ages ago!
28. Clean the washer and dryer. Wipe down, rinse with a cleaning agent, drain the filter.
29. Force some bulbs indoors if it’s the winter or plant something if it’s spring or later. I love planting paper whites and amaryllis.
30. Celebrate your hard work! Take yourself out for a fancy coffee or go out for your favorite meal. You’ve earned it!
Sources by room
See all guest bathroom sources here
All kitchen sources here
Pantry sources here
Storage and organization bins one, two, three, four
The cutest blue ceramic basket for pantry or refrigerator
Love these white baskets with wooden handles. They look so nice in the pantry.
Vintage first aid kit that sells out quickly
Vacuum again here, because it deserves a spot in every room
Rifle makes the cutest hanging calendars