It's so hard to believe that its been a month since I set up my monthly goal calendar and did my January goals. I was so terrified a month ago and I am so thankful to say that I met some of my goals. Yahoo! We survived! Although there were several goals that I fell short on, I'm learning! Thank you all for your incredible support, encouragement, comments, etc. Made the first month of working from home way less scary. Thinking of February and what I would love to accomplish, there are a few goals on my list that involve RESTING. I have been going a mile a minute around here and I want to make sure that I'm taking time to enjoy Matilda and the little things. Stopping to smell the roses, if you will. I also want to make room for quiet time in the mornings which is a bit of a challenge right now. I recognize that nothing is more important. Realigning my priorities. I listed a few of this month's goals above, including finally finishing Creative Inc and The Handmade Marketplace (two excellent resources).

You can print your own February Goal Calendar here. Need a little inspiration? Check out Ben Silbermann's (founder of Pinterest) keynote speech for Alt Summit.

Pencils/ Carryall/ Flowers