These birth photos by photographer

Jamie Street

are almost too much for me to look at right now. First of all, what a gorgeous mama and the tenderness that is captured is palpable. Gush. We met with a doula on sunday and she was asking me a lot of questions about my intentions for this birth and my experience with Matilda. I feel like I am a birthing sponge right now. I've been watching "More Business of Being Born" which is awesome and I took an online childbirth class. I am meeting with my midwives this week and our doula again to discuss our birth plan.

When I was pregnant with Matilda my doctor really discouraged me from putting together a "birth plan." She actually told me she didn't like them. While I know that nature is wild and unpredictable, her discouragement made me think I had zero control over the situation. To be asked by my doula to put together a birth plan was so empowering, as if my wishes were to be put in to great consideration. What a thought! I found this


online and I'll be using it to help me gather my thoughts.

I'm curious if you had a birth plan and how true you were able to stick to it?






