Let me please just say that I am officially in love with this little girl. My heart literally explodes when she smiles. Although you always love your babes, for me it takes just a little bit of time to really bond and feel like I get to know them.  This tiny lady gives the most incredible grins these days and she has started cooing. Oh, I love cooing. She just stared at me and coos. I could talk to her for hours. I always stop dead in my tracks when it happens.

Sleep. We are getting a little bit more. So thankful. She has been sleeping for 6-8 hours at a time most days. It's amazing what that does for a girl. We do need to get Phoebe sleeping in her crib but we're in such a transitional phase that we're just sort of winging sleep training right now.

Speaking of sleep. You should really read this post on "bedtime." I was crying towards the end as I was trying to read it to Sam. Good times.

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