Whenever life feels too insane... I love to head over to our house and spend some time. Sam and I both feel at peace when we're there, like all of the craziness is worth it. Speaking of crazy, the other day we were outside spray painting brass and wood ceiling fans. The fans were next to a mouse trap that had three (!) mice attached to it. Dad moved it outside and we went back to spraying fans. Cut to today and I noticed Guinness has gotten out. I looked next to him on the driveway to see the trap in a bunch of pieces (mice included - eek!). I fussed at him and we headed out. Cut to tonight and I'm cleaning the kitchen and squish squish squish, Guinness comes stickin' by his paws covered in glue and other things... LIFE.

Daddy, what would we do without him?! Not only is he letting us take over his home, but he also helps with the house daily. Between my millions of questions to makeshift shutters, to stressed out sobs. He's been amazing through it all. Here he is (and Tilly too) on the new stairs. You may also notice that our lighting is going up. We are getting so close which is thrilling and nerve wracking (appraisals, inspections, loans, etc). I'll feel so relieved after we've closed.

My amazing husband and our little cherub. Phoebe is such a joy and sunshine to our days. She is a total love. Life is good. We've been enjoying the amazing spring weather (but chill it pollen). It's spring break so we've been running around with friends and spending time outdoors jumping in creeks and riding bikes.
I feel like a bad blogger these days... no fun recipes or crafts. Just our every day. Thanks for sticking with me through this crazy time. Hope to make it up to you soon. My head hits the pillow so hard...
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