Hope you all had a great Memorial Day weekend. It's a pretty intense holiday for a lot of people, so I do always feel that reverence and gratefulness on this day. We had our first party in our house today. We haven't closed yet so this is mildly hilarious. My dear Sam's birthday is tomorrow so we had a family bbq to celebrate him. Our good friends and former neighbors popped over too which was really fun. We had some fun party supplies left over from our HGTV shoot so we put those to good use.

My sister brought over this incredible homemade peach pie and that's all I want to eat for the rest of my life. The crust was so flaky and buttery and the peaches... I love this time of year. We had so much great food. Sam loves a good burger so we whooped it up with burgers and dogs, sweet potato fries, pasta salad, and some really divine chocolate cake.

Matilda and her adorable friend. It's amazing how much these little ones grow. One day they're babies the next they're full on talking and being awesome. Matilda is so creative and I love watching her blossom. She is drawing and creating castles out of styrofoam boxes. Also, pretty sure dahlias are my new favorite flower. These pretty pink beauties are dreamy.

I got to see the final images from our kitchen shoot which will go live later this week. I absolutely cannot wait to see the interview and to share it. It's been SUCH a journey. Blood, sweat, and tears and we feel so grateful and thankful to be at the end of the road. I can't wait to hit my head on that pillow that I have no clue where it is and to take my first bath in my bathtub. THEN it will feel all worth it!

In big, big news. Phoebe got her first tooth! This picture pretty much says it all. Little pea was not the happiest camper this weekend. Even still, she was pretty darn sweet. Matilda got her top and bottom front teeth at the same time so I have a feeling we're not quite on the other side just yet.

Happy birthday to the love of my life. Sam Graham is one great guy. I don't want to make y'all nauseous with a public love letter, but this man is one of the best, most hard working, loving dudes I know. I'll leave the sappy stuff for his eyes only. :) Have a great week everyone! I'll be watching the bachelorette tonight. My bro's middle school friend is on this season... as if I need a reason.

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