Oh Monday. You sure feel like one. The week before a vacation always feels a bit nuts. I knocked over a cup of smoothie this morning and it went everywhere. Everywhere. I thought I had cleaned it all up and then Matilda looks up and says, "Oh, Mama." "Look what you did. How sad." Yup, on the ceiling. Help me Rhonda. On a super positive note, last weekend was really productive on the home front and I wanted to share some of it with you guys. I miss this space so much and I know I'm just in a season, but I really look forward to being able to share more. I hope you'll bare with me! I can't tell you how much I love my online community. Such a blessing to this Mama. For real.

Speaking of mamas. Mine is the bomb. I could not have gotten unpacked or organized at all without her help. She has been like a magician and it's been really nice to have her company. I've just loved it. I'm also doing yoga with her for the next several weeks and will share more about that soon. I'm excited to get back into it. She's amazing and tough. She worked me good. She is creating a really cool experience in Atlanta with private lessons for small groups in her loft. I'm so proud.

It feels really great to get some things on the walls: hooks, birds, guitars. You know, the usual. We are trying to work on the downstairs first and then go from there. We have the girls settled but there is so much to do. Unlike in a typical home buying scenario, we didn't have toilet paper holders or shelves installed when we moved in. We wanted to do it ourselves and here we are three weeks in and still grabbin' the roll from the floor. I have no idea what I want to do in our living room, but I do know that I want to take my time and make it just right. I am on the lookout for great art. Have any recommendations? Affordablish of course.

Have a great week!
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