We decided to take a long weekend to get away from the hecticness of moving. We drove up to the lake for some R&R and fun times with our family. It was also Phoebe's first time to the lake. I bought her a life jacket (epic fail) and she loved the rocking of the dock and was a little unsure of the boat. I was too, I had a death grip on that little girl.

We brought down our pack and play (love!) and much to our disbelief, Phoebe actually napped outside. She gave it a good fight dontyouworry. Matilda didn't get out of the freezing cold water. I managed to read It Starts with Food (in between my chips and dip and margarita breaks). It was so convicting. I am al out of excuses and Sam even said he felt like he needed to just eat vegetables for a while (say wha?).

My Dad and beautiful sister were also there. Rachel and I had the best time walking to the dock and laughing and having an evening cocktail while watching the pinkest sunset. It was the most relaxed I've been all year. The move and the reno took way more of a toll on all of us than I could have imagined. When we moved everything in, I felt paralyzed. Still do. The break was great, coming home... deep breath. My mom came over and we got a lot done today, leading me to believe that we won't always live in a giant mess of boxes and piles...

Hope you are all having a wonderful summer so far. I'm readjusting to having Matilda home and trying to be fun and still get stuff done. I'm tellin' ya. Trying so hard to be the perfect Mama. Failing miserably. Lately I've just felt like a fish out of water. I think Sam and I need a long weekend away to reconnect and just be. Is that so much to ask? ;)

Love this picture of my Dad and Bee. She is obsessed with his crogies (spelling?). Baby girl has two tiny teeth. Way to go Bee!
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