Spotted this quote on pinterest this morning and I love it so much I had to share. I know that all of the people that have inspired my walk as a Christian have been filled with light. I've never understood the people that walk up to strangers with tracks or wave signs with disturbing images about hell. Has this ever in the history of the world impacted someone's life positively? God can certainly use anything but I assume the numbers are pretty low.

Sam and I are starting a couple's small group this fall that will last for 18 months. We are really excited to get to know friends in our same life chapter that love Jesus. We all have young kids, jobs, responsibilities but we are making a commitment each week to grow and hold each other accountable and to be in community. It's something that I've wanted to be part of our lives and I'm thankful that it will be. Now to find a babysitter for each week... that's a whole other post! We have never left the girls with anyone but family. Deep breath.

We are also looking for a home church to become members of. We are visiting churches nearby in hopes that closer proximity will help us be more disciplined about getting there on time and each week. The hard part is we really love our church in Atlanta, but I worry that we can't get as plugged in because of the distance. We would love to be able to serve in our own community too...

Do you make a far drive to go to a church you love?


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