On Thankfulness

This morning I'm reflecting on this year and on what I'm thankful for as we gear up for Thanksgiving on thursday. I went to see About Time last night with some girlfriends and I can't stop thinking about it. It was one of the best movies I've ever seen. Makes you question how much you appreciate your time on earth and the people around you. I watched the trailer this morning just because I wanted another taste of it. So beautiful and well done and such a good soundtrack. Sigh. Made me want to rush home and kiss my family. Gosh, I love them.

So much has happened this year. One of my biggest gratitudes is that we were able to move. There were many, many obstacles but God got us in our home. I am so incredibly thankful for my Dad for letting us live with him and for our builder Mark and all of the other people that made it possible. Thankful to my mom for helping unpack and sort and get my life back to normal and then taking us to the beach. Such a gift. Thankful for my husband for dreaming big with me, for taking risks, for working incredibly hard. He's one of the hardest workers I know and yet he still has energy to help with dinner and bedtime. I don't thank him enough but he sure is adored around here.

What would I do without my girls? They make my days so much brighter and they challenge me to grow and stretch and give. They soften my heart and broaden my imagination. There is nothing better than experiencing childhood with them. So grateful that we have family that love them so much. I'm so thankful to have all of my grandparents. I love them dearly and know what a gift it is. Thankful for my brother and sister who are my really great friends and support system, for all of my family who are incredibly lovely and special to us.

It feels like a million years ago that we were renovating. It feels so good to be settling in. You can see some bits + pieces on my friend David's gorgeous blog: This is Brick and Mortar. There are stockings hung on a mantle (there's a mantle!) and almost everything has a place. It finally feels like ours. I'm so thankful for the fire that is burning. I've always wanted a fireplace and feel so lucky to have one. I'm thankful for Christmas, for new hope and the joy it brings. I'm thankful for the decorations on the square this time of year, the twinkling lights, the steeples on the churches amidst cold, grey skies, thankful for the sound of the train and the church bells, for friends that we love dearly that make us laugh, that make us better people, for creative jobs that I love, for the women I work for who push and inspire me. I'm thankful for delicious food (working hard to find sides + desserts to make!) and for the people who lovingly make our favorites each year.
Above all, I'm thankful for a Savior that loves us, that provides, that keeps us safe and healthy. So grateful. Praying for all of those things daily and wishing the same for you and your families.
Thank you for reading, for your comments, for making this a space I love coming back to, for your support and prayers, and for just being awesome. THANK YOU.
I'll be taking the rest of the week to spend with family + cook, to rest. I'll be sharing bits and pieces over on instagram if you'd like to find me there. Happy Thanksgiving!!
top photo by jessica mahady
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