
So, I'm really into branding and marketing and I keep hearing this expression: "Say yes and then figure it out later," meaning always say yes and then learn as you go. I think this is great advice for people starting out in their careers but not so great for mamas. This weekend I had the overwhelming thought of "my poor family, it must be so annoying being the child and wife of a blogger." I was corralling the girls and trying to scan pinterest for ideas, I was spray painting, I was trying to photograph Bee's room in the darkness of the rain... I was


 My car wouldn't start when we tried to go to a birthday party. I felt like I was climbing a really tall hill to nowhere. The pictures didn't turn out, our patio project was tougher than imagined (what a surprise seeing that I'm the mastermind! haha) and sunday night leaves us all feeling exhausted.

My small group just started a new study:

Chase Study

. In the first chapter we talk about "Identity." Boy did it ever resonate with me. "Identity is found in the distinct characteristics that set us apart and give us self worth.

We want to matter and to make a mark on the world.

 It feels selfish, even arrogant, to admit it. This need possibly lies at the root of every human interaction and achievement. We all need to know why our life counts and what sets us apart, since life is short and there are a lot of us on the planet."

It then goes on to say, "As long as we try to find our significance and worth in ourselves, we will feel disappointed."

 What a relief, right? It's not about us. Something I've struggled with a lot lately is garnering the respect of my peers (in blogging that is). I've worked really hard for a long time and want to be recognized as someone that is relevant and somewhat in touch. Just want to be honest about that because I think a lot of people struggle with wanting to be recognized in whatever field they pour their heart and soul into and while hard work and creativity are so good, it isn't so much the end purpose for our lives. At some point there is a cost to everything and we have to have a gut check on what matters most.

I've grown up around doers and makers, so it's in my blood. I love it, but it's just a part of me. Much more than anything I want to be a servant and a light and a wonderful wife and mother. I can only hope through these crazy "learning curve" weekends that the girls have moments of fun and that they know they're loved. I'm learning once again the importance of not biting off more than I can chew and I know that in the end I'll be excited to share all of these projects, just have some fresh perspective today that I wanted to pass along just in case you needed to hear it too. xo

Also... the winner of the

PlushRugs giveaway

is Alea! Congrats! I'll be in touch tomorrow. :)








