The Toddler Years

Having a toddler is sort of like having an abusive boy friend. When things are good - bless there might not be anything better. When they're bad, help us all. Let's start with the good... that soft hair, those little cheeks, the sweetest grins, first words forming when you least expect it. It's incredible. However, with toddler-dom comes some pretty exhausting er annoying moments throughout the day. Last week Phoebe fussed constantly when she didn't get her way (she has THE most hilarious "mad" face where she sticks her lips out and furrows her brow). On top of the fussing came the throwing of food, or herself, to the ground. I googled "17 months" and up pops a slew of "dealing with tantrums" and "your fussy toddler." Ok, cool at least we aren't alone.
It's funny though, right now, as I stare at this picture I stole from instagram (which I love btw) I feel nothing but immense over-the-moon love. All of those frustrating moments of climbing the stairs over and over again at ballet to keep her happy and seeing her scoop up huge handfuls of dirt from my plant and throwing it all over the floor and herself, well they just melt right away. All I see is this glorious smile. This smile I achieved by the way by saying "poop" over and over again. Only high brow humor for the Graham girls. Sometimes with toddlers the bad days are so bad we want to cry ourselves to sleep, but sometimes they are days like today that fill my entire body up with warmth and gushy love. Thankful and there's comfort in knowing if one day really really sucks, the next will be better.
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