Tips for Moms: Spring Cleaning
It's that time of year again! Spring cleaning time. We are leaving the windows open and getting that fresh air in and I'm going to be scouring every surface. You seriously should see my house right now. Between spring break and going out of town it's.a.mess. I've broken everything down to make it achievable. Here's the plan:
Day One:
Pick up. You can't really clean when there is crap on every surface. You heard? Spend the day tidying and getting ready for deeper cleaning.
Finish laundry and PUT AWAY. This is my kryptonite (read more here and here).
Change sheets on all of the beds. Is this a challenge for anyone else to stay on top of?
Day Two:
Bathrooms. Scrub, scrub, scrub. I really want to make my own cleaners. Here's a great post on how to do that.
Vacuum. I want to vacuum the whole house which will probably only happen after Sam gets home. :)

Day Three:
Clean floors + dust. The kitchen floor will need a deep clean. Crazy how gross it gets.
I also need to clean all countertops in our kitchen and reseal them. Here's a great post on how to care for butcher block.
Day Four:
Our laundry room needs some TLC. Going to mop the floors and clean up the machines. Anyone else get that nice detergent layer on theirs?
Day Five:
Spray lavender everywhere. A spray bottle of water and your favorite essential oil can do wonders for your mood. I use this one.
Clean the windows. Clean windows are a dream!
That's it! I feel like my house should look pretty sparkly and in only five days. I feel like for me that's a win. Please feel free to share any glorious tips in the comments. I love talking about cleaning. Now it's go time.
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