When Showing Up Online is Hard


I shared this on instagram but wanted to share here too because I think so many of us feel this way and feel alone in it. Love to all of you!

i was talking with a friend recently about imposter syndrome. she vulnerably shared that she was dealing with it big time in starting a new business. i love when people are real and i always return honesty with my own truth which is ... i struggle with it too. daily.

she seemed surprised because i get on here everyday and i don’t seem nervous but the truth is so much of showing up is faking it.

while i would love to sit here and say i love it and that sharing online is easy for me, the truth is... it isn’t. i have faithfully showed up and watched as friends and peers have zoomed by me with their businesses and projects and talents. i have felt the sting of feeling rejected or muted by real life friends who don’t value what i share (all my own insecurities i am sure! right?! 🥴).

i am sharing this to say a: i think we all feel like this on some level, b: i have cried more tears than i have been excited on my career path, c: i had to get out of my own way.

i had to stop caring what other people think (for my own mental health) and to show up anyway (not great at this every day tbh). i had to focus on serving others instead of my bottom line. i realized that what i love about social media is... being social! i love encouraging people, celebrating milestones and kid’s birthdays, being a cheerleader for women even when it isn’t reciprocated (hard but good to flex this muscle ladies!). i had to get over feelings of rejection or the dreaded like button on a thoughtful message. i realized we are all doing our best. i drop the ball on dms and comments all the time. i have to extend grace and love and show up for God’s glory and not my own. i had to stop trying to build my own kingdom so i could help build His (wayyyyyy better btw).

sending love to all of you that are putting yourselves and your hearts on the line for a bigger purpose but also to support your family. you are loved. you are enough.