Over the past couple of weeks I've been feeling pretty anxious about giving birth again. I know that this is normal, but I think the difference for me this time is I have something to compare it to (read Matilda's birth story here) and I've done a lot more research vs taking the "ignorance is bliss" approach. Ha. I keep worrying about labor progressing super fast. We met with our doula, Cynthya, this past week after our first appointment with our midwives. She gave us a really great list of things to pack for the hospital and I wanted to share with you what we'll be bringing. I am packing for a potential water birth, so some of the items are specific to going that route. I've been trying to prepare for the big day by using lavender every day to help me relax (I even put it in my car!) and taking time to focus on my intentions. Have you watched "More Business of Being Born?" All the nerves aside, I just can't wait to meet her.

  • swim ring - to lean on in the tub.
  • flameless candles - to create a soothing atmosphere. Christmas lights work great, too!
  • sports bra - for the modest mama.
  • water bottle - to stay hydrated.
  • bottom spray - for post partum.
  • lavender oil - for relaxing massage.
  • rice bags - when heated, offers relief with contractions.
  • flip flops - to stay off hospital floors.
  • honey sticks - for quick energy.
  • iphone + earbuds - check out the ibirth app.
  • nursing gown - comfy and cute and easy to nurse in.
  • nursing bra - for extra support.

    Other things to consider: socks, a robe, camera + charger, phone charger, music player, birthing ball, an outfit to come home in (think maternity unfortunately), your own pillow (bring a patterned pillow case), healthy snacks, movies, toiletries, baby book for foot prints, your birth plan, and the car seat to get that little one home in.

    What would you add to the list?

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