It's finally happened. My brain has stopped working. I literally can not make another decision. It was tough being at the house this weekend, reeling from choices I've made that I wasn't 100% sold on. Renovating with two little ones is... nearly impossible. Not totally impossible because as you can see I am doing it, but it is taking its toll. I feel like Sam and I haven't had a conversation in months. Egads. I just want to lock in an amazing interest rate and close without any issues. Amen.

I'm at the point where I just want to decorate. You know? Just make the space feel like home. Isn't this nursery incredible? My friend Joni always knocks it out of the park. I love these custom made prints over the changing table. Killer. My brain is in overdrive thinking about what to put and where. I've had so much fun hitting up estate sales and looking online for new treasures.

I've been dwelling over stain choices. I originally wanted to pickle the floors and the more I talked with my contractor and researched the process, we're now exploring other options. While I love the light floors, our 100 year old boards have taken a beating and the addition has oak instead of pine and I want them to look as uniform as possible. Do you have a stain color that you love?
ps I've recently had conversations with friends and siblings about the humor (or in some cases notsomuch) of speaking in hashtags. Ha!
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