Phoebe is on the floor by my feet playing with a globe. It's been a teeny tiny catnap kinda day. I wanted to jot down some thoughts while they were fresh. I always have these tangible thoughts and ideas and then at the end of the day they are gone. Gone baby gone. The Lord has been speaking to me. We went to church on sunday (for the first time in a long time). The sermon was on idols. I think if I'm honest that social media has been one for me. Something I put before God, the way I fill the quiet moments. Laying in bed next to my husband checking out instagram. Guilty. Riding in the car with my sister who I never get to see these days, checking my email. Guilty. Feeding Phoebe while looking at facebook. Ok, so you get the picture.
I'm not saying social media/email is a bad thing. I find so much enjoyment in seeing what my friends are up to and reading inspiring articles and looking through gorgeous images, it can just sometimes be consuming, especially when there aren't boundaries. I also struggle sometimes with using it as escapism, wanting to connect with other adults.
I was reading through Lara Casey's blog this morning. She wrote a whole post on boundaries and social media/email/etc. It's worth a read.
For the benefit of my relationships with God, my husband, my babies. I'm going to be working on setting up systems that keep me from being a slave to my phone. For instance, it's playing music right now. Beautiful music. The temptation to play with it, removed. My hope is that if you are feeling a stir to take a break, that you'll join me and fill your time with things that nourish your soul and help you to grow. I am starting to take guitar lessons with Sam and I'm so excited to learn something new (my fingers hurt!). I also want to be reading the Word and if I do spend time online, I want it to be reading motivational and encouraging things.
How do you keep your "phone checking" habits in check?
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