As much as I love the energy of fall, that sort of fresh start and plenty of structure, I'm not quite ready to let summer slip through our hands. We spent the weekend at my family's lake house and as always it was such a beautiful and calming way to recharge. We weren't able to go the last two times so we made every second count on this trip. I love driving into the Blue Ridge mountains, breathing the fresh air, feeling the lake water run through my fingers as we take the boat through the different coves. It's one of my favorite places to be.

I've been going through some of my old favorite blogs recently and just paying attention to what made me love them so much and why I wanted to have one of my own. Stephanie Nielson made me want to be a mom. She was and still is such an inspiring person to me. I love the way she narrates her daily life and the way she shares her faith (in a beautiful and brave way). She makes motherhood look magical and effortless even when it's hard. I forgot how much I enjoyed reading her stories. I laughed out loud a few times reading her latest post about shopping for school supplies at Target.

This week has been filled with many parenting highs and lows already. Picture major meltdowns - 4 hours long. Matilda, that sweet girl wore herself out with fits at 5:40 last night and slept straight through until 7:30 am. I remember the time because it was when my brain stopped throbbing. Sam listened gently as I told him about my day. I'm thankful that he has a patient and tender heart for his girls. He has a really nice way of helping me to see where I can grow as a mom and a person. He never points out flaws, just delicately nudges me to think about things. I appreciate that. Phoebe just smiles throughout it all. That little cutie. We had such a nice day today - a rainbow after the storm kinda day. Matilda was an angel and spent the day getting out of ballet clothes and into princess attire. Regular clothes are so boring. We got to meet her new classmates and hang out with some old friends.

I've been on a conference kick here lately. I just want a women's weekend. Doesn't that sound glorious. I would love to go to Alt in january and then I heard about Hope Spoken today. Who's comin' with me? So many inspiring women! I just feel like a sponge lately. I can feel my life taking a turn, just not sure which direction. I love this feeling.

Thankful for baby heads to kiss, little knees to put hello kitty band-aids on, conversations about God, the sound of crickets, a weekend with my oldest friends, healing words, unexpected dinners with friends, red wine, and fresh sheets. Thank you for reading my thoughts and letting me be all over the place.

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