Halloween! This year was extra special for the Grahams because just this

past year

we were dreaming of living in this neighborhood and a year later, here we are. God is so good and I'm so thankful. We went trick or treating as we always do with our friends Hamilton, Jen, and Willow and this year

the Splawns

joined us! We started the day off with a class party and a fun visit from my Mama, then we got booed by our cute neighbors (love them) and then we had some pumpkin carving (with another visit - Poppy!), the Annual Parade (you guys these people are serious about the costumes!), pizza for all, and then trick or treating. I was so excited to finally meet some more neighbors and Matilda warmed my heart so much. After we ran out of candy (ps I bought a


) she wanted to give all of her candy out to the kids. It was her favorite part. We ended the night with The Great Pumpkin. It was an amazing day. We are all moving a bit slow this morning. Have a great weekend all!


and her family are coming over tomorrow for a fun shoot. Can't wait! xo