2014 Goals + Dreams

Hello 2014, you are two days away. Writing this first entry leading into a shiny new year is sort of like scrawling for the first time in a journal. Those pretty clean pages begging for groundbreaking thoughts. The possibilities are just overwhelming! I have so much energy to throw at this year, big dreams and hopes and ideas for the way I would like my life to take shape. I'm excited about setting up some goals that I can work towards as well as breaking some bad habits (who me?). I've taken the last week or so to really think about what I want the purpose of my blog to be. I'm going to be introducing some new series as well as working on creating original content that challenges me creatively. I'm ready!

Goals for 2014

  1. Start exercising again! This is an area that I totally slacked off on last year. My main goal here is to feel strong, but to also get back to my pre-pregnancy weight (14 lbs to go). Typical resolution, right?
  2. Learn to use my camera on manual mode - take an online class.
  3. More collaborations! Work with bloggers and brands that I admire.
  4. Do and complete the 52 project (really excited about this one).
  5. Host more gatherings. I really want to fine tune my hospitality skills.
  6. Finish decorating our bedroom and bathroom.
  7. Travel more. I want to take at least three trips this year. First up: Alt Summit! Next will be a girls trip to Old Edwards Inn courtesy of my sweet Daddy.
  8. Eat 95% paleo. My body responds the best to eating this way, the 5% is for the human part of me.
  9. Go to church every week and really get plugged in.
  10. Have weekly evening dates with Sam and at least one babysitter date outing a month (we seriously went on maybe 4 "just us" dates all of last year. Not okay).
  11. Read and memorize more scripture.
  12. Go camping. I really don't like it  but Sam loves it and wants to take Matilda.
  13. Read actual books. I want to go through the classics, maybe even all of the Austen novels?
  14. A craft project once a month.
  15. Create a bar area in our dining room complete with bar cart + beverage elements. I want to start making cocktails for our date nights in.
  16. Design our backyard garden and begin planting the foundation plants.
  17. Be brave. Do something that intimidates me once a week.
  18. Start a Sunday Supper tradition.
  19. Become more outdoorsy! Take the family on hikes and nature trails once a week.
  20. Make phone + coffee dates with girlfriends at least twice a month. I would love to create a monthly get together for my creative friends to get together and be inspired!
  21. Cut back on social media to twice a day. Take sundays off completely.
  22. Get better at cleaning and organizing or hire someone! :)
  23. Simplify and pare down on personal belongings. 
  24. Tackle the toy situation.
  25. Print albums of my babes.
  26. Get into the routine of flossing (oh and go to the dentist...).
I'm going to keep adding to this list and crossing it off throughout the year and keeping it on my sidebar as a reminder. What about you? What goals are on your list this year? Hope you all had an incredible Christmas and wishing you all a very happy and healthy New Year!!

goal cards were kindly gifted by bing in preparation for alt summit.

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