The Polar Vortex
Tuesday morning the snow began to fall while Matilda was in school. I was working on a few different projects until I finally looked outside and saw the beautiful flurries. I was amazed at how fast the snow was sticking. For all of you Northerners, I know it is hard to understand the southern view on snow. Snow for us is still a novelty. This is only the second time this winter that we've seen snowflakes and definitely the first time that it has actually stuck around. Sam went to work as normal but it became clear that the snow was only getting more intense so he decided to head home around lunch...
I was able to get Matilda but the roads were already icy. Sam called and said there was a lot of traffic, clearly a "mass exodus" of everyone trying to get home. However, nothing could prepare our state for what would happen next. Sam did not get home until almost 8 pm (he left work at 12:30 pm) and that was mild compared to what some of our friends experienced... sleeping in cars, running out of gas, walking 9 miles home, getting a ride on a ATV, spending the night with strangers (or in grocery stores) just to name a few stories from close friends.