Friday Notes

Here are a few notes on things that I like, want, and discovered this week...
I am obsessed with this ice cream gif (pronounced "jif" just so ya know) from this beautiful site. Did you know that you can now pin gifs? Want a beautiful feed to follow? Check out my friend Krista's.
I really love Angela Hardison's eye for all things. Her instagram account is a visual feast.
Some shops that I love from people I met at Alt (did you see my recap?): Gingiber, Little Hip Squeaks, Fraulein shoppe, and Dreamcatcher Baby. In fact I had dinner with all of them the last night we were in SLC.
Another shop from Alt that I've shopped with and love is Shop Sweet Lulu (they are the best in real life too!). I am crazy over these handmade valentine straws. Use code PARTYLIKEALULU for 20% off.
I just ordered Lara Casey's Powersheets after reading about them over and over again. Hoping they make me want to do something other than watch e! news after I put my little ladies to sleep.
On my wishlist: these boots, these sunglasses, and this towel rack.
Cheers to the weekend, warmer temps, and a wine reserve. xo
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