Gluten-free Sweet Potato Muffins for Handmade Charlotte

Hope you are having a good week. I've had quite an emotional one realizing that I can't quite do it all. Imagine that? God is fine-tuning my days and getting me to focus on being a mom right now. It's my most prized role that's for sure. It's just difficult to wave the white flag. I never want to let anyone down and I certainly have trouble admitting that I'm not superwoman. Oh boy.

One of my favorite things to do with Matilda is to bake. She loves it so much and I love our little conversations we have and to watch her learn how to do something new. I love learning alongside her too. A couple of weeks ago Matilda helped me whip up some gluten-free muffins for Handmade Charlotte. This was my first time ever making sweet potato muffins. Have you ever tried them?! They are so, so yummy and these came out so well that they surprised me. You can get the recipe right

