Tips for Moms: Summer Schedules

We are several weeks in to our summer schedule so I thought I would share with you what we are doing to keep the calm and carry on. I'm also trying to create really fun memories for the girls and enjoy this time with Matilda at home before she is gone most of the day come fall. Sniff. It's been a bit of a challenge having an almost-kindegartner to entertain and a wild baby (who is starting to be a little less wild). So, here goes.

In the mornings Matilda typically gets up early and we have that time together. She likes to help me make coffee and we chat and have some quiet time. I think this is an important part of her day and sometimes I think she gets up early just for this one on one time. When I'm exhausted and get frustrated by this I try and remember that this sweet little girl wants time with her mama.

Phoebe wakes up and I get her some breakfast and then we either go for a walk (this has been awesome) or we do some sort of art. We've been digging this coloring book, this watercolor pad (both of the girls love this and it's pretty neat too!), and these scratch art boards.

Then it's lunch time. We all eat and then I get Phoebe in the bed. This part of the day is a bit challenging. While Matilda could totally benefit from a nap, it ain't happening and "quiet time" is a bit of a joke. We still try for both every day and I try and bang out a little work, catch up on email, start a load of laundry, whatever.

Matilda always comes down before Phoebe wakes up so we use this time to do something that Phoebe can't participate in (this is the current fave!) or go fish. We might do a movie if I have a ton of work to get done. It's a slow time, no matter what is happening.

When Bee wakes up we have a snack and then either go for another walk or run errands or try and meet with friends. Matilda is really into the snack making these days and she's great at it! I love that she has such a sweet and hospitable soul.

OK, it's your turn! Please spill on what's keeping your days running smooth (ish). Any great activities (cheap ones preferably!) to share?

A few outing ideas:

  • the library
  • visit a garden (we love the Botanical Garden)
  • the park
  • your nearest small town
  • the mountain
  • a book store
  • a play ground
  • the Art Barn (or another farm)

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