On Marriage: Serving Your Husband

We just got back in from the lake last night, where we spent the last couple of days celebrating my dad and Sam. Good fathers, those two. It was a really nice couple of days where there were naps and quiet moments to read (what?!). It was refreshing! I started reading this book over the weekend and it had me thinking a good bit about being a wife. So much of my time is spent thinking about being a mother.

I'll be the first to admit that Sam doesn't always get my best. The end of the day typically goes a little like this,"Hi honey, how was your day? Well, today x,y, and z happened with the kids. I'm exhausted." Welcome home! Courtney talks a lot about the importance of serving our husbands, making them feel good and loved so that they can face all they need to face. Sam works his butt of for us and sometimes I need to suck up my own stuff and take care of him. Is it easy to do after a long day? Not always, but serving when it comes from love is much easier. I'm also working on my bossy pants, letting Sam lead.

In the book there is a challenge for wives to try and do special things for their husbands each day for two weeks. I think it's a really awesome idea and something I'm going to be working on. Some of my favorite ideas are really simple:

  • make him his favorite meal (I'm embarrassed to say that I'm not sure what Sam would say - gonna ask!)
  • bring him a cold drink for no reason
  • pray for him - ask him daily what he needs prayer for
  • ask him what things make him feel disrespected (and stop doing them!)
  • find out what he ranks most important, his priorities 
  • kiss your man (like you mean it)! 
  • reflect on your dating days - dress up for him

I would love to hear from you on how you serve your man and make your marriage a priority. It's something I really want to get better at!

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