Relaxing with Lavender

You guys my house smells so dreamy right now and I wanted to share with you what I've been doing. I've been obsessed with lavender oil since I was pregnant with Phoebe. I literally put it everywhere: in my car, on my body, in the bath. It was in the room when Pheobe was born. It's my happy smell. Recently in this amazing and supportive facebook group, a new friend introduced me to wool dryer balls. The ones I bought are made from New Zealand sheep wool and they soften the laundry naturally without chemicals or synthetics, which I love! She told me she puts a few drops of essential oils on the balls and then throws them in the dryer and seriously it makes everything smell SO good. I also like to put a few drops in with the detergent (I get the free and clear kind).

In addition to using lavender on blemishes, bug bites and cuts, etc I love to make a really simple linen spray. I use these glass spray bottles and fill them with distilled water and then add 10-12 drops of oil (would be amazing with Peace & Calming too). I spray it on our pillows and also use it as a face mist. So luxurious. You can also add a few drops to coconut oil and use as a stretch mark cream or as a diaper cream. Great for sunburns too!

To sign up for your own oils, click here for more info.

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