Welcome September!

You guys, September is such a special month to me (Matilda's birthday!) and it's also the beginning month of all things fall (and
!).Yes. It always feels like such a fresh start. My mama heart has been so contemplative lately on how to spend my time with the girls, making memories (sometimes the memory making creates more tears than smiles these days. ha!), and as my friend Emily says, "filling up their love tanks." God has brought some really wise and sweet mamas in to my life and I am SO grateful. This morning a circle of us stood outside the elementary school and prayed. I got so emotional because I'm so thankful for these people and our freedom and our amazing God.

I don't share a lot of candid photos on the blog or
but these are some from the weekend and they make me so happy. These girls love each other so much. This weekend was super low key with Bee not feeling so well and we just spent time as a family, riding bikes and playing in this awesome dragon pool (thanks Christina and Cody! ;)). It was so good and needed. That is just precious downtime and I'm so grateful for it. I also really enjoyed hearing from you guys in this
that launched. So many of you have become friends and that is just amazing to me. Your support is such a blessing and I am so excited to share more!
Some things I'm excited about this month: creating an online class, making
, making soups and stews,
!, taking Matilda to a high school football game, going to
, having a birthday brunch at the American Girl store, a date night in
, decorating our front porch for fall, having a blogger friend girls night, going on a play date with
, throwing an autumn harvest wedding shower and just soaking up the changing leaves and cooler mornings.
What are you looking forward to??