A Relaxing Weekend

Confession: I'm terrible at relaxing. I actually feel guilty just chilling. I have written about the gloriousness of single tasking, savoring a book, having a lingering conversation, being unstimulated and it's a constant battle for me. Anyone else? This weekend, though. This weekend was good. Matilda and I had a date to the cutest fairy birthday party you've ever seen.

We did family things like hang out at our local coffee shop, stopping in to say hello to our friends at 200 Mill (so excited about sharing more about this awesomeeee spot soon!), helped my Dad with some finishing touches for his new home. So excited about it! I even got to do a little retail therapy which let me tell you is super rare these days. I snagged this and these! I was lucky enough to have a coupon, which naturally I HAD to use. I've realized I'm mostly attracted to neutrals and basics these days, although there is nothing basic about my new yoga pants. What what! I can hear my mom telling me to stand up straight.

Phoebe literally will not leave the house without a "rina" skirt on these days. Short for ballerina, the tutuer the better. I'm talkin' can barely get in the car seat fluffy. She also looooves "neclacesh" and "shoesies." Her new favorite thing is the "scwing." "I wanna schwing, I wanna schwing!" Cute and mildly exhausting. Haha! We are definitely venturing into the twos and now I remember why they are four years apart. Cutest/hardest age. I think there's a method to God's plan there. :)

Matilda is super focused and loves to create and has found a new word: "boring." This kills me because I don't think anyone should ever be bored. Look around, there is magic everywhere. We are working on this. Ha! She is my morning buddy, my inquisitive love, my twin really. We are so very much alike, the good and the well ya know. Her compassion and thoughtfulness are truly extraordinary, she's got a lot of her daddy in there too.

A great weekend indeed and one that ended with a celebratory bonfire last night celebrating one of my new favorite people. Feel darn lucky I do. Nice to have a minute to feel that gratitude yesterday.

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Lesleyfamily, home, weekend9 Comments