Weekend Notes 34

Oh man I just love the barn of the Lombardi House. Isn't this just the coolest event space? The first time I saw it I thought it was just heaven. I want to re-create something like this on a muchhh smaller scale for a shed in our back yard. Just dreamy! Also, can Sam and I stay there please?! Dreams!
+ Had a really amazing and hard week of working out. Started working out with a friend at 5:30 and by last night I was toast. Talked more about it here. You know what I did? We ordered a pizza and drank wine and then I met my goal step on a gorgeous walk and skipped my friday morning session. I was so tired that I fell asleep with the girls and then on top of my bed that night because I didn't have the energy to pull back the covers. HA! Pretty sure that's called training like a beast? Weird... did I just really say that? Instagram is brain washing me. Balance, man. What I'm seeking. I think one cheat meal a week is a must for me.
+ Our Home Depot post went live this week. Did you see it? Super simple to the max. Anyone can re-create this for their front porch.
+ Happy Mother's Day to all of the mamas out there! What are you doing to celebrate? Sam has some things up his sleeve so not sure but the whole weekend was blocked off for relaxing (and hopefully getting a little work done on our back yard??). My sister and I are taking my mom out for a special dinner at one of our favorite spots. Can't wait!!
+ I am really loving this tropical palm print trend. How cute is this tank?
+ We are getting into lake season and I am dreaming up a little refresher for our family spot. Started a little pinboard here.
Hope you all have a very restful and recharging weekend!!