Four Faith-building Books

Happy Friday! You guys, five posts in five days. What the what. Lately, the Lord has just been pressing on me the importance of two things: time + my faith and both of those things in reference to my babies. These are four books that I really love for little ones who are exploring their faith, learning about Jesus and listening to everything.we.say. I want to start these conversations now, right? The other day at church my friend Kristy read to the little ones 3 in 1 which uses the apple to illustrate the Trinity, one apple with three different parts. It's SO good and so simple. Beautiful.

The pink Bible is the one we got for Matilda and it has such fun little drawings and inserts for girls, I've also heard amazing things about the Adventure Bible.

The Biggest Story is soooo beautifully illustrated and goes through the story of Jesus, similar to the Jesus Storybook Bible which we also really love.

Lastly, Thoughts to Make Your Heart Sing is written and illustrated by the same people that wrote the Storybook Bible and each page explores a different theme and thought to encourage and inspire. So lovely, perfect for a little devotional.

Do you have any favorites that I missed? 

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Lesleybooks, faith, family, kids2 Comments