Our Favorite GF + DF Snacks!
photo by Morgan Blake
One of my most asked questions as an allergy warrior mama is how did we survive switching over to gluten free and dairy free and my response is always the same… “It’s much easier than having a sick child. “ Oh my gosh, it was the best decision we ever made! Here are just a few snack ideas to get you started but truly we all enjoying eating this way now! If dairy doesn’t bother you, try to stick to raw and organic when possible! Grass-fed is a great option as well. Phoebe has no issues with butter so we do grass-fed butter.
Apple Slices
Pop corn
Carrots + hummus
Cherry tomatoes + cucumbers with a dairy-free dressing (we love Tessamae’s Ranch!)
Snack bars - Lara Bars, Gluten Free Fig bars, etc.
Fruit Leather
Gummies (we love Annie’s and Simple Truth)
Trail Mix
Cuties, they love peeling them and I love putting them in the disposal to make the kitchen smell amazing!
Celery with almond butter
Beef Jerky - any kind of jerky
Rainbow plates: take different colored veggies and fruits and make a platter!
Gluten free crackers, pretzels, and cookies (in moderation). We love Pamela’s and Nut thins!
Veggie Straws (make sure to check ingredients!)
What are you go-to snacks? We’re always looking for new ideas!