August Goals


The girls are back in school and we are slowly but surely getting back into a routine. I wanted to share some things that I’ve been ADDING in and also a few things I’m avoiding this month. Hope this encourages you and maybe inspires you to set some goals for yourself!

  • No alcohol for the rest of the month - we realllly enjoyed ourselves this summer but I feel like this is one of the #1 things keeping me from feeling confident, healthy, and strong so I don’t want to cut it out forever but I want to treat it like a special occasion, social thing vs everyday thing. Eek. So far it has been four days and I’m sleeping great and feeling great.

  • Exercise a minimum of 30 min a day - whether it’s taking Chief for a walk or going to the gym, the moving part is not optional. I feel so much better when I do this and my mind is so much clearer. It’s such a win/win. Not focusing on killing myself at the gym, just daily movement.

  • Tracking my Macros - I’m following the Faster Way to Fat Loss (you can join here!) eating plan that’s flexible dieting and makes me feel so good. You can see what your macros are here and then plug them into My Fitness Pal!

  • Listening to a Podcast every morning - In addition to a morning quiet time, I’m fueling my brain with so much goodness each morning. I listen to Podcasts while I’m driving to the gym or walking Chief.

    So those are mine! Not adding a ton of goals to each month because then I get really overwhelmed. Focusing more on building habits into my day and making that my new normal. What are your goals for August?