Hello! We just got back from the woods of Alabama and I'm feeling so rejuvenated. We had an incredible time at my Grandparents' beautiful woodland home. It is one of our favorite places to escape to. Sam especially gets completely lost in nature and goes on these long hikes and Guinness wears himself completely out. I usually end up reading and chatting with my Grammy and Lynndaddy and Matilda is obsessed with taking rides on the gator (which she's done since she could hold her head up). We even got to spend a night with Jake which was awesome. He's such a fun uncle.
We ate a lot of amazing food so I'll be sticking to proteins and veggies this week. Ha. No one makes better pancakes than Grammy. We also had some incredible margaritas here when we went in to town. Before we left we rolled all of Matilda's piggy bank money and picking out a toy was on the agenda. We have never done this before, so I didn't know how it would play out. She was so decisive (unlike her Mama). She went straight to a doll and said "This is it." Amazing! I was so proud and it made me realize how much she is maturing and that I should really give her more chances to make decisions and choices. She has great taste.

I felt so inspired while I was there with some downtime to draw and read. I feel ready to conquer the week. Speaking of this week... I have something fun to share tomorrow so stay tuned!