Kristin Rogers (love her!) posted this on her feed the other day and it touched me very much. It got me thinking a lot about how important it is to not waste any time or energy on things that aren't important. I surely have my days where I spin my wheels on hurt feelings and bouts of guilt over not accomplishing enough. I want to do the best I can for God and my family and then of course for my friends. I have some really good ones. Going to pour into the lives that God has surrounded me with and teach my daughters to rely on Him each day. To trust that God has an amazing plan for their lives. How can they believe that if I don't exhibit that trust for them? Someone said the other day that with children more is "caught" than "taught." Love that.

i snapped these pictures of til in the bath the other day and i felt like it reflected that sort of end of day feeling where everything is winding down and you've given so much and then you get a little high when you get a smile like that. love my girl.
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