LAY OUT YOUR CLOTHES THE NIGHT BEFORE. Even if you're just running to carpool in the morning (me!) it helps start your day off on a good note to feel put together. Then you're ready for the day and anyone that you may run in to! I am totally guilty of riding in my sweat pants from time to time and I always feel gross and sluggish for the rest of the morning. Know what I mean?

I've finally gotten Phoebe in a nighttime routine and I keep forgetting to lay out my pjs and clothes before I put her down (we're still co-sleeping). Hoping this will keep me on my toes today so that I'm not still in my clothes at 10 pm (although I might as well stay in them as I was up at 12, 2, 4, and 6). Sigh.

Do you outfit plan?

see more tips for moms here.

love the outfit above! spotted here.

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