Where's the tip, Lesley? I need time for myself. I know that this is a key factor in having a healthy mind and the ability to face head on whatever challenge God deems us capable of handling. I need quiet moments to walk, sit in a bath tub, go to Target, for solace. I haven't had it and I know I need it. Sam's been staying late at the hospital every day. He's an amazing friend. I feel so selfish wanting him home, his help getting the girls to bed. I feel selfish and tired.
Right now having some quiet time to write is just what I need. To pour my heart out a little in hopes that another mom might find comfort in knowing she's not alone in feeling overwhelmed. Sometimes the smallest retreats can refresh your spirit and calm your mind. Lately I've been struggling in my wants to create and not being able to. I crave being able to try new recipes and sew little dresses. I've been stress eating and eating on the run because things have been so crazy. It's making me feel bummed.
On the upside I feel really thankful for my beautiful and loving family, for my friends, the ones that are always there for me (you know who you are), thank you. We'll be fine. Just going through some growing pains I guess you could say. Was going to have some time alone tomorrow but sweet Matilda has pink eye. It's the scariest looking thing. I'm going to try and clear it up with some home remedies. Good night friends.
the photo is a sneak peek at a project that i shot this morning. flowers designed by my lovely friend ash of byrd collective.
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