Our Easter

Life is sweet. Thank you all for thinking of us and for your sweet comments on my last post. We spent the weekend dyeing eggs, eating way too many sweets, spending time with our family. It was a gift. I'm so thankful that we have family close by and that our girls know their cousins and great grandparents. It's awesome. We had two parties on sunday and they were both perfectly spring-y and lovely.
The easter baskets were a hit. Phoebe got lots of teething gear and she looooves that little ring teether. She held on to that and her tiny bunny all day. The cutest! Matilda was all about the Easter egg hunt which we had indoors since it was raining.
The guys worked on the house on saturday and switched out the skinny columns for some more substantial ones. I think it makes the house. Can't wait to show you. Also, it's getting painted this week. The inside is almost done and I
the color (Pearly White by Sherwin Williams). It looks so open and bright and fresh.
Hoping to be more in the swing of things this week (you can read more about a typical day for us over
- so honored to be included). We've all been under the weather, but this
weather is making us feel better. That's for sure.
Jesus said to her, "I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me will live, even though he dies; and whoever lives and believes in me will never die.
John 11:25-26