Since we are temporarily displaced (in an ideal setting with my sweet father back in the woods - not complaining!) I find myself dreaming of spring cleaning, gardening, nesting. It's been over three months now since we've had most of our things and since I've had a garden of my own. I never knew how much I'd miss it! Here are some spring cleaning ideas and dream gardens that have my heart beating a little faster these days. What are you loving about spring time? I for one can't get enough of the cherry blossoms that are bursting at the seams.

Our new garden is a courtyard style. One of the reasons we built up is because I didn't want to lose any of the back yard. I'm envisioning a sort of extended deck (low maintenance) and I love the gravel mixed with the plants. So pretty. I will of course have to string up some cafe lights and we want to build something up a bit for added privacy. It's already pretty private and fenced in with lots of vines (my favorite!) but we can see our neighbors house and I want to feel like we're completely alone. I love a private outdoor area to dream and escape to and I want to be able to entertain back there. I can't wait!

On the front of the house I want to add some texture and what better way than with climbing roses? My color palette is going to be dusty pink, peach, and apricot. I want a lot of repetition. My last garden was more cottage style with every color but I've found I like a little more organized chaos these days and when I have a theme it makes decision making so much easier.

I've been thinking a lot about entries and mudrooms lately. You know, that whole first impression thing. I love this idea of hanging hooks at different heights. I really want to start a reward system for Matilda and putting away her things would be a great start. We've had some serious listening issues lately. Someone recommended Love and Logic. Have you heard of this book? I've heard it's great from a few different people.

I also LOVE these shelves and baskets for organizing (toys mainly). Sometimes I feel like we're drowning in princess paraphernalia around here. Plus, this would be a great system for easy picking up. Not sure where we could do something like this? Maybe in the upstairs hall. We'll see. Love it regardless.

I really want to make my own natural cleaners that smell amazing. I also love the idea of making aromatics to smell up the house with fresh life. Rosemary, vanilla, and citrus all reign supreme. Nothing in my opinion smells better than grapefruit. I want to get rid of the "new paint" smell fast. Speaking of paint, they are pressure washing the house and are getting ready to do their magic. This is going to make the biggest difference! We are also getting the house appraised shortly and I'm praying that it's a really good one. We need it! Happy spring everyone!
courtyard garden | climbing roses | mudroom | basket storage | homemade aromatics
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courtyard garden | climbing roses | mudroom | basket storage | homemade aromatics
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