Mother's Day is Sunday! Of course the best part of the day though will be kissing the little faces that give me the title. I'm one lucky mama. I'm also hoping to enjoy some yummy brunch and then maybe, just maybe get in a little quiet time. Isn't that what we all really want? A little time to read, a slightly later wake up call, pretty flowers. It's the little things. We all just want to feel extra special. I thought it would be fun to share a really affordable and definitely special idea for dressing up the wrists of the ladies in your life.

My pretty and sweet friend Megan of Victory Blooms is going to share how to create these gorgeous corsages with just a few simple supplies. You could whip these up for your mama, your aunts, your sisters, etc. The combinations are limitless but she'll break down for you the basic formula. Megan is a master of creating "dutch painting" inspired arrangements, so take note! I felt so feminine and pretty wearing my corsage. Matilda loved it too!

You will need:
Garden pruning shears
Floral tape
Floral wire
Grocery store flowers
Foraged materials
After you've scooped up your favorite grocery store roses (you could do soft pinks or reds or go neutral with a pretty cream like Megan did), check out your back yard! There are so many things that you can use. For the foliage Megan used porcelain berry vine. Other great alternatives would be honeysuckle vine, new growth ivy, clematis vine, or a small cluster of leaves, like geranium or gardenia leaves. Megan also suggests gathering large face flowers like hellebores (which she used here) or garden roses, peonies, dogwood flowers, zinnias or even echinacea.

Assembly instructions:
Layer 1- greenery base, I used porcelain berry vine.
Layer 2- cluster of small head flowers, I used grocery store spray roses. You can also use button mums, scabiosa, bachelor buttons or any other small sturdy flower.
Layer 3- large face flower, I used hellebores.

Start by making a cluster of three flowers with your middle layer flower. I took three stems of spray rose and a length of floral tape (be sure to give your floral tape a good stretch to activate the stickiness). Holding the cluster together tightly, wrap the floral tape about a half inch of the way down the stems from the flower heads.

Once your middle layer is together take your vine/leaf layer position it behind your cluster and attach with floral tape. Once your first two layers are secure attach your face flower. You will want one or two flowers depending on how large they are. I used two hellebores. However, if using larger flowers like garden rose or a peony you would only use one flower. Place your face flower(s) on top of your cluster of three flowers and again wrap tightly with floral tape. Trim your stems with pruning shears so that they stick out just below the tape. You now have a (mostly) foraged corsage!

At this point you could wrap the taped stems with thin ribbon or twine, tie a small knot or bow and use as a pin on corsage. Or, you can make the Martha Stewart ribbon corsage base (which we used here) and anchor your foraged corsage to create a wrist corsage. If you make one for a lovely lady please let us know. We'd love to hear about it. Let Megan know in the comments if you have any questions and we'll try and get them answered for you! Happy Mother's Day!
note: Megan recommends storing the corsages in the vegetable drawer until they're ready to wear.

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