I found myself getting really angry yesterday. Matilda and Phoebe were both in dire need of a nap and not wanting to settle down, thus I wasn't able to get some work done, the house looked crazy and I went to straighten up the living room (with screaming little ones in the background) and found mud all over the couch (thanks Guinness!). I was a few seconds from just losin' it. In an instant I had a rush of peace fall over me, clarity in that moment that I needed to just listen and be there for my kids. I put Phoebe in her crib, took a deep breath, and came downstairs to chat with Matilda. I softened my voice and put my arm around her shoulder instead of speaking with frustration and demanding she go lay down. Just taking a minute to be quiet and to hear my sweet daughter's worries from the day gave me such an amazing opportunity to nurture, to love on my girl. I had this thought that maybe that's an inkling of how God feels when I come to Him, place my worries with him.
This morning I set my alarm and got up a little early when it was still dark to quiet my mind. It's very hard for me. I have all of these ideas and want to be in the know of what's going on in the world but instead I'm trying to be still. Be quiet. Listen. I ordered this book to use as a devotional in the morning. I need a guide sometimes otherwise I feel a little lost.
September 24th
Live first and foremost in My Presence. Gradually you will become more aware of Me than of people and places around you. This awareness will not detract from your relationship with others. Instead, it will increase your ability to give love and encouragement to them. My Peace will permeate your words and demeanor. You will be active in the world, yet one step removed from it. You will not be easily shaken because My enveloping Presence buffers the blow of problems.
This is the path I have set before you. As you follow it whole heartedly, you experience abundant Life and Peace.
- Jesus Calling
Do you manage to steal away some quiet each day? I'd love to hear what you are using as a devotional or how you spend that time! She Reads Truth started an amazing 21 day devotional yesterday on Promises.
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