Big Batch GF Lemon Christmas Cookies

Oh friends, what a few days it has been. I can't even really wrap my brain around any of it. There is some serious heart ache in the air as multiple dear friends are dealing with tragedy. I could just weep all day if I was left to my own devices. As a distraction, I've been baking. Not sure this is the best idea, because as a side effect I've been eating as well. Great. I want to spread joy in any way that I can, so I'll take one for the team here (I have to test them after all). I wanted to make some really delicious gluten-free treats for neighbors and friends this year. Note: just because they are gluten-free doesn't necessarily make them


 I'm obsessed with lemon, so when I spotted this recipe for "Lemon Slices" in

Good Housekeeping's Christmas Cookie Swap Cookbook

I was sold. Made a few tweaks and voila, perfect crispy lemony sugary cookies.

Lemon Slices

adapted from

Good Housekeeping's Christmas Cookie Swap Cookbook

yields 4 cookie dough logs

approx 10 cookies per log

You will need:

  • 4 cups all purpose gluten-free baking flour (I prefer Pamela's Baking Mix)

  • 4 lemons

  • 3 sticks of organic butter (room temp)

  • 1 cup granulated sugar

  • 1 cup powdered sugar

  • 1 t good vanilla extract

1. Grate the zest from 4 lemons. Squeeze a 1/4 cup of lemon juice.

2. In mixing bowl, cream together sugars and butter on medium until creamy. Then add the lemon zest and juice as well as vanilla until blended. Slowly add the flour on low until combined.

3. Divide the dough into four parts. Make 6" logs on wax paper and roll to be stored overnight in the fridge. Each log represents one gift, so as soon as you are ready to bake... the rolls are at your disposal for last minute neighbor gifts, the post man, you name it!

4. When you are ready to whip up your cookies,

preheat the oven to 350

. Cut the log into about 10 1/2" thick slices (make sure to leave other logs in fridge until ready to bake). You want them to be thick because the cookies will be thin and crispy, if they aren't thick enough they will break and fall apart.

5. Arrange with plenty of room on the baking sheet and cook from 8-10 min keeping an eye, you don't want to overcook them.

6. Leave them on the baking sheet on a cooking rack for 5 minutes, then move the cookies to a cooling rack until cool. Tie with string and make someone happy today.

7. Feel free to sprinkle with sugar... :)

Have any great large batch cookie recipes you'd like to share?








