Tips for Moms: Laundry Rules
One might say that laundry is my nemesis. The unending madness can drive a mama to tears. Some days it seems like I'm doing the laundry of ten people. If you live with ten people... HOW?! We've been doing little mini projects around the house to get more organized and to make getting laundry done more efficient. Sam hung some shelves in the laundry room and I curated the utility shelves (which are right outside of the laundry room) with laundry supplies, stacks of toilet paper and paper towel rolls, as well as unused ball jars and a basket full of aprons. The minimalism makes me happy.
We've also started putting some systems in place for tackling the laundry. That large basket is the community laundry basket. Everything gets funneled into that one basket. Matilda and Phoebe have their own baskets that come down here once every couple of days and we put all of our laundry directly in there. Matilda now has chores that she helps with, laundry being one of them. She lets me know when her laundry bin is full and then I bring it down. She is now responsible for putting away her clothes and putting her dirty clothes in a bin. You guys... it's working! Then I try and do a load a day. This really does help and keeps me from feeling overwhelmed.
Matilda has also been helping me with the washing and drying. She can now load the washer (it helps that we have a front loader but a stool would work great too!). We've also been trying out Tide Pods and Gain Flings (available at Target) which are sort of the equivalent of those awesome dishwasher tabs but for laundry! Have you tried them? I especially love the Gain "Moonlight Breeze." It smells incredible and has oxi boost and febreze built right in. I love that a: there is no mess ie detergent dripping down the front of the washer b: so simple that even Matilda can "fling" in the tab with the laundry (she loves this - it goes right in the drum) and c: they are perfect for travel. Super lightweight, just throw em in your suitcase this summer when you head to the beach. Beachhhhh.
What are your laundry tips? Please share! One of my biggest is to sort like with like when folding (pjs with pjs, etc) and to keep things sorted by person. I then have to put them away immediately or they PILE up. Fist bump to having an empty basket. At least for an hour or so... oh the little things.
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