Gardening with Kids
I'm trying to get in the habit of getting the girls out in the garden in the mornings. It's a sweet and calm start to the day and I'm *hoping* it will instill a love of the earth and plants in them. Last week my friend Amy gave me two clumps of hostas that had previously been in a pot. The deer by her house has eaten all of the leaves, but I divided them with a shovel and got about 25 plants out of the deal. Amazing! Love pass along plants. I dug the holes in the front and Matilda planted them.
Having kids help with the plantings makes them invested in the garden. It was such a fun surprise this morning to come out and see several plants with new growth on them. Matilda was so excited and happy to water all of the little babies. Please notice that half of our yard is mulched and half isn't. Ha! We ran out of time and mulch sunday night.
Here are some fun garden accessories for kids! I love those books. How a Seed Grows features watercolor illustrations on youguessedit how a seed grows and Grow it Cook it with Kids has gardening tips, recipes and more! I love the whole Sunny Patch line from Melissa and Doug. So cute. That sprinkler would be a huge hit at my house. More links below!
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