Five Things

1. Over the weekend Sam and I took the girls to our family lake house. It was wonderful to get to be together and to get those last little beats of summer to fill our hearts for the cooler months ahead. We ended up catching a marathon of Fixer Upper on HGTV (I literally never watch tv, but we don't have HGTV and I got sucked in!!). I feel like Joanna has a very similar aesthetic (a little more country) and loved watching them bring these houses back to life. Love this mint green in her Magnolia Market. Sam and I started brainstorming about joining forces to flip some houses in our town...

2. The summer completely derailed me. I was rocking it with the bikini series but 7 days a week of hardcore exercise is just a bit much for this stage of life. Fit mamas... how did you survive the summer? My girls wanted NOTHING to do with the stroller. Ordering this today.

3. I'm reading this book which I think is an amazing book for any girl/person.

4. I received some powersheets as a gift from one of my inspiring mentors and I am plowing through them. Highly recommend them for goal setting and just clearing out the noise so that you can focus on what is important. If you haven't read Make it Happen, I also HIGHLY recommend that book as well. Lara Casey is just a force of encouragement. This somehow turned into a book post!

5. I have been wearing this multiple times a week. Love it paired with a drapey black cardigan, black skinnies and booties (these are perfect!). Bring on the fall wardrobe! Bootie season is upon us.

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Lesley4 Comments