

I can't remember where I first heard this idea for simplifying Christmas but I heard about it a several years ago and then the trains went off the track, SO in an effort to pair down and teach the girls the true meaning of Christmas, I am working on sticking with the four gifts this year with perhaps the addition of winter accessories after this snow storm where I realized we had no mittens (hello work gloves! lol!). Sigh.

For Matilda (age 9):

Want: Both of the girls wanted Snuggietails this year (thanks Disney!). I get it #mermaidforlife, so I found these blankets in two different color waves for them.

Need: Tights! her little legs have shot up and she has no tights that fit so stocking up on cute ones from here.

Wear: She requested a denim jacket. :)

Read: Wonder. So many kids are reading this book right now and the message is so incredible, excited to hear what she thinks!


For Phoebe (age 5):

Want: Mermaid blanket! (above) but she also has mentioned: a music box with a horse, a light up bed and various other obscure and magical items. 

Need: Little cardigans like this one!

Wear: This hat just makes me so happy. Can't wait to see it on her!

Read: Pick a Pine Tree. If you are obsessed with vintage children's books then you will ADORE this magical book! While not vintage, the illustrations are so nostalgic.

I also couldn't resist this hot cocoa set that screams Christmas morning to me!
