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Ok, you know how I was talking about feeling blue? Well, I wanted to find out what causes that feeling. It feels like PMS that just doesn't let up. Have you experienced this?

This is what I found out: For most ladies, the hormones really wreak havoc in the first and last trimester. HCG which produces progesterone and estrogen is usually the culprit. So, what does that say about me stuck in the middle? Mood swings can also be caused by:

  • Fatigue
  • Worry (will my baby be healthy? is my husband attracted to me, etc)
  • Anxiety, which can be caused by a million different things, specifically when you have other children.
  • Physical stresses (back pain, joint pain, swollen hands + feet)
  • Work (being overwhelmed by your workload + thoughts of child care). (source)

    What can you do to combat the swings?

  • Exercise regularly. This releases endorphines "and endorphins make you happy and happy people just don't kill their husbands."
  • Talk it out. Sometimes just a listening ear can really make you feel better.
  • Get plenty of sleep. Go to bed earlier that usual if you have to.
  • Pump up the jams. Matilda and I had a dance party to this song. I dare you to play it and not feel better.
  • Talk to your doctor. If these thoughts persist it could cause stress on your baby so it's important to let your doctor know.
  • Clear your calendar. Sometimes an overbooked social calendar can leave you feeling drained and irritable. It's ok to say no to some things. Your true friends will understand and have your back.

    Any other tips? I'm all ears.

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